The music of James M. Fulton is rare today, however there are several recordings of his music. The largest collection of recorded Fulton marches can be found on Robert Hoe's "Heritage of the March" Record Collection. There are five LP's in that collection with Fulton's Music. The New Fulton Band has recorded 25 songs by Fulton. There are also several other albums out there that feature a single Fulton work.
For a list of know recordings, please visit the Complete Works Page.
Here is a sample of Fulton's Marches. The quality of the recordings varies from bad to good, but they are the only know recordings of these songs. The idea is to familiarize the listener with the music of James M. Fulton. (All recordings posted here with permission)
United States Coast Guard Band (Heritage of the March)
Gingeroso Trombone Phantasy by Fulton
The Aviator March by Fulton
The Grotto March by Fulton
Magyar Katonasag March by Fulton
Associated Press March by Fulton
Cymbeline March by Fulton
Gethsemane Commandery March by Fulton
WNAC March by Fulton
Coal Country Silver Cornet Band (Heritage of the March)
All In Line March by Fulton
Over The Fence March by Fulton
We Americans March by Fulton
Watch City March by Fulton
The Star March by Fulton
On The Way March by Fulton
KDKA March by Fulton
The Motor Corps March by Fulton
Walworth March by Fulton
Jeff Yaeger's New Fulton Band (Forgotten American Music V.1 "James M. Fulton")
The Baron's Bride Overture
Queen of the Sea March
Ethelbert March
Across the Rockies Galop
Frivolity Polka
Sweetest of the Sweet Song and Dance
The Policy King Cakewalk
The Romp Gavotte
Dainty Princess Gavotte
Gladiolus Waltz
San Salvadore Spanish Waltz
Vendetta Schottische